On the 23rd and 24th of April 2024, the “GreenHost” project partners met in Thessaloniki, Greece, in UoM’s premises, for the kick-off meeting to discuss the project’s objectives, plan the next steps, and of course get to know each other better.
During that first meeting, the 19 partners from 7 countries (Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, Portugal) had the chance to lay down the foundations for the upcoming activities and establish a conceptual design regarding the milestones of the project.
“GreenHost” aims to promote sustainable tourism by addressing the critical issues within the tourism sector, including the shortage of skilled staff and the lack of sustainability practices.

The primary objective is to integrate green and digital practices into the hospitality management curriculum, helping professionals to upskill and reskill.
The project is thus expected to have a significant impact on students, professors, teachers and trainers, as well as chambers, tourist organizations, and policymaking bodies.
In this direction, the diverse partnership enables interactions, exchanges, and upward convergence among VET institutions at all levels.
The second transnational project meeting was agreed to be hosted by IPP in Porto, Portugal between the 28th and 29th of January 2025.